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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SASWAT adopt ayurveda +plan 5
SHAHNAZ ayurveda naturally 3, 5
SHRI SHRI ayurveda +leaf 3, 29
SRI SRI OORJA ayurveda 5
SWASTHYAM ayurveda village 44
VISRUTHA ayurveda +flower 44
ayurjeevan ayurveda hospita 44
kottakkal ayurveda +tree 3
positive ayurveda 44
princess SHAHNAZ ayurveda 3, 5
ANDARIKI ayurvedam 41
sanatan ayurvedashram +leaf 5
ayurvedic AMRUT SUDHA oil 5
ayurvedic BANPHOOL +flower 3
ayurvedic BORO KHUS +circle 5
ayurvedic GANGA kesh tail 5
ayurvedic GREEN SERIES +ova 5
ayurvedic HIM-DARSHANA oil 5
ayurvedic JIVDANI oil 5
ayurvedic KAFI 5
ayurvedic NANDAN HIMGIRI oi 3
ayurvedic REE 5
ayurvedic SAMJIVANI balm 5
ayurvedic SWATI dantmanjan 5
ayurvedic TARAK oil +man 5
ayurvedic TULSI +man & god 5
ayurvedic capsul-30 CEMOLIN 5
ayurvedic concepts SINGLES 5
ayurvedic herbal LAKHANI 3
ayurvedic lemongrass oil 5
18 HERBS MEDIMIX ayurvedic 3
AKSHAR ayurvedic toothpowde 3
AL-SHIFA ayurvedic pharmacy 5
ALCERIF ayurvedic medicine 5
AMAR get up ayurvedic 5
ATHARV ayurvedic clinic +ma 42
AVN AROGYA ayurvedic +leave 44
AYUR MANJAL ayurvedic soap 3
AYURBAM ayurvedic pain balm 5
B.B.M.G. ayurvedic +man ova 5
BHAVSAR ayurvedic +eye 5
BNG CGO ayurvedic capsules 35
BNG DGO ayurvedic capsules 35
CHAKOLA'S ayurvedic +drop 5
CHANDANAM ayurvedic soap 5
CHETAK ayurvedic herbal 3
COCORAJ COOL ayurvedic 3
COCORAJ COOL ayurvedic cool 5
COPPERLEAF ayurvedic +flowe 3
CURELA ayurvedic medicine 5
DEVDALI ayurvedic 5
DHANYA SAI ayurvedic pharma 35
DR. BURMAN'S ayurvedic 5
DRAGON ayurvedic oil +drago 5
EDWARDS ayurvedic tonic 5
ELLERGIF ayurvedic medicine 5
FORTESS (ayurvedic medicine 5
GANGA SAGAR ayurvedic malam 5
GARBHON-forte ayurvedic 5
GRAMD ayurvedic speciality 42
HALDI KUF ayurvedic 5
HARGANGE ayurvedic oil 3, 5
HERBOLAB ayurvedic +leaves 5
HIMALAYA ayurvedic concepts 3, 5, 30
HIMGANGE ayurvedic +bottle 5
HIMGANGE ayurvedic oil 3, 5
HIMGANGE ayurvedic oil +hil 5
HIMGANGE ayurvedic tel 3, 5
HIMJOYTI COOL ayurvedic oil 3
HIMRAHAT ayurvedic oil 5
HIMSAGAR ayurvedic tel 5
HUNGREE ayurvedic +boy 5
HYGIEA ayurvedic +leaf 5
J.M ayurvedic tooth powder 3
JAGAT ayurvedic tel +man 5
JDM ayurvedic psoriasis 44
JEEVESS ayurvedic wellness 43
JUNNARKAR'S ayurvedic healt 3, 5
K KASHI KAMRATH ayurvedic 5
KABJ CURE ayurvedic medicin 5
KALANS ayurvedic soap 5
KASTHOORI manjal ayurvedic 3, 5
KOFO-vin ayurvedic +man 5
KOSMIC ayurvedic products 5
KUMKUMADI ayurvedic beauty 3
LOREN herbal ayurvedic 5
M.P.A.-1 ayurvedic medicine 5
MEDIMIX ayurvedic soap 3
MEHARBAN ayurvedic oil +man 5
MEHARUBHA ayurvedic mehandi 3
MENSULINE ayurvedic medicin 5
MYKEEL ayurvedic +man 5
NATURACID ayurvedic +man 32
NAVSAGAR ayurvedic OIL 3, 5
NEEMZ ayurvedic skin lotion 5
ayurvedic 5
OKJI ayurvedic tea +woman 30
OLIVERA ayurvedic body oil 5
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